Thursday 22 July 2010

Revamp your tramp...

...or your Ninja!

Because the first two sprites I did for Knuckle Sandwich were my first two for a game EVER (the Player Character and the Ninja) they left a lot to be desired.

And that's an understatement. There's a reason you've only seen them in screenshots, and I'm grateful to Jon for being so encouraging as I fumbled my way into pixel art. Anyway, the main problem was continuity, and a consistent level of polish. the next load I did (Hotdog Man, Astronaut, Zombie et al) were way better. Still not amazing, but better - more than good enough to make people smile.

So I've spent the day re-doing the Ninja - at least to the point where his new look can be pixel-pushed all over his frames of animation - and this is how he looked before (left, being smacked in the face for being such a bad attempt) and now (right). A tiny bit better don't you think?

So the rest of the day was spent - after finally settling on the Ninja's hot new look worrying about grabbing poses, and bringing the Zombie to (after)life. Or maybe that should be drawing the zombies frames of (re)animation.

Tee hee!
Either way he'll be the next bad guy in the game. We've actually got a lot to talk about now that we haven't yet - especially regarding the awesome front end we're getting in. If you've played Run Away, you'll know roughly what to expect.

Come back tomorrow for the last update of the week!

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